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How does USA compare to Japan for how much they pay for each Olympics medal

How does the United States of America and Japan compare in how much they pay for each medal at the Olympics?  

By Elijah Odetokun

27/07/2021, 03:30 PM

How does the United States of America and Japan compare in how much they pay for each medal at the Olympics?  

The United States of America and host Japan have athletes participating in different games at the Tokyo Olympics, how much will they collect for winning a medal?


The United States of America is one of the countries that participate most at the Olympics and win a lot of medals while host Japan is also participating in most games.


The Olympics give out medals to winning athletes but each country pay their athletes for winning each medal. See how much the United States pay for each medal

Gold – $37,500

Silver – $22,500

Bonze – $15,000


Japan is the host of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, see how much they pay.

Gold – 38,200

Silver – $25,500

Bronze – $12,700


Singapore pays the highest money, $1m for the gold medal while Great Britain does not pay any money.



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