Salaries and Prices

How much money could Javier Hernandez earn if he left the LA Galaxy to be a fulltime streamer?

Chicharito Hernandez is one of the most active players in the networks and in video games and it could be a great idea to earn money when he leaves LA Galaxy.

By Francisco Aure

14/05/2021, 09:14 PM

Chicharito Hernandez is one of the most active players in the networks and in video games and it could be a great idea to earn money when he leaves LA Galaxy.

Nowadays it is very common to see professional players dedicate themselves to playing video games or streaming to be closer to the public. The problem is that now this has become a business for many and one of those who would be seeing it favorably and taking advantage of this opportunity is Chicharito Hernandez.

Javier Hernandez was highly criticized during this last season for the hours he spent in front of a monitor playing online video games with his fans and that is why during his break he stopped uploading so many images to Instagram to show that he is training. Likewise, I do not leave that facet of gamer but today it is secondary.

If Javier Hernandez dedicated himself 100% to being gamer or making live videos while people watch him, he could have a salary close to a million dollars. Today the most famous streamers in the world earn about $1.5 million per year and Chicharito is very popular within the world of video games.

Another international and historical player who began to give great importance to this world is Sergio Agüero since he saw that there may be a possibility of investing money and making a profit. Chicharito Hernandez could follow in Agüero's footsteps and create an e-games team and thus continue to generate money outside of what it is to be a professional soccer player.


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