
Steven Gerrard: The economic replacement for Jurgen Klopp in Liverpool

The Liverpool legend helped Scottish Rangers win their first league in ten years without losing a single game. He is the first and only candidate to succeed Klopp.

By Alexis Almosnino

26/07/2021, 04:30 AM

The Liverpool legend helped Scottish Rangers win their first league in ten years without losing a single game. He is the first and only candidate to succeed Klopp.

In a Rangers of local tradition that is increasingly open to the world (12 of the 32 members of its first team do not have any of the nationalities of the United Kingdom), the club's management relied on an example of British greatness to recover the glory lost with relegation to Fourth Division in 2012: Steven Gerrard.

An emblem of Liverpool and the English team, although with the ideal northern sensibility to fit in with the idiosyncrasy of the Glasgow entity. After the promotion to First Division in 2016, the club regretted a couple of improvable experiences on the bench (especially that of the Portuguese Pedro Caixinha, which barely lasted from March to October 2017) and in the summer of 2018 he aimed high with Gerrard.

"He is a leader and a winner, he knows what it takes to win. When his name was mentioned to me as an option, it was quite exciting. From the first time we spoke and he explained his vision to me, I knew it was going to be fantastic for this club. "said Dave King, the then president.

The truth is that the figure that Jurgen Klopp currently charges in Liverpool is really bulky, since he takes nothing more and nothing less than 18 million euros per year. However, and while it is true that Steven Gerrard has fewer obligations at Rangers, his salary is almost 3 times lower than that of the German. In this way, he pockets 7.5 million every 12 months, which in economic terms leaves him well below the current Liverpool manager.



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