International Players

Cristiano Ronaldo: how was his secret wedding with Georgina Rodríguez

Despite they always showed themselves as a couple without a formal marriage, they have allegedly done so in secret.  

By Mauricio Saenz

02/06/2021, 11:48 PM

Despite they always showed themselves as a couple without a formal marriage, they have allegedly done so in secret.  

Cristiano Ronaldo has been going out with Georgina Rodríguez for almost five years. They met when he was already playing in Real Madrid, and she moved there after being born in Argentina and raised in Jaca, Huesca, a suburb of the Spanish capital city. They have always considered to be just going out, but new rumors state otherwise.

A bit more than a year ago there were some versions of an intimate, private and secret ceremony in Morocco where the couple has allegedly said ‘yes, I will’. That never came out to light, but now, the rumors have fired up again. And it was because no other than Georgina Rodríguez herself, following a post in social media.

t’s known that Cristiano, Georgina and their children spent some time having fun in the snow. In a post, she was seen carrying some gear that belonged to the soccer star. Below, she expressed: “When you take your husband’s jacket. Oops, I did it again”. But… husband? It’s the first time she says so.

Another version states this was done on purpose. Some days ago, Georgina Rodríguez was celebrating her birthday joined by Cristiano Ronaldo in a romantic dinner. Despite that, they were later discovered by the police more than 50 miles away from their home – they have reportedly then violated the isolation rules set because of the global concerning health situation.


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