International Players

The incredible millionaire offer that Cristiano Ronaldo has just rejected

The Portuguese was presented an offer with many millions of the table, but he was adviced that it was not worth for his worldwide reputation.  

By Fredi Roman

30/05/2021, 04:06 PM

The Portuguese was presented an offer with many millions of the table, but he was adviced that it was not worth for his worldwide reputation.  

Cristiano Ronaldo is set for life with his fortune, but he still looks for ways to make his bank account grow. He is not desperate, though, so he has a team with lawyers, accountants and public relations professionals as advisors for every decision he might take related to money.

And this team has just told him to reject an important millionaire offer, and that is what he finally did. The offer consisted in 6 million dollars per year just for advertising, but his advisors told him that accepting this might backlash for him and damage his reputation in the whole world.

This offer had come from Saudi Arabia government, that wanted Cristiano to promote the tourism in that country. But he decided to decline because of the claims against Saudi authorities regarding human rights violations. That boosted the public image of the Portuguese with his fans.

He was wanted because his presence in social media is very strong. 256 million people follow him on Instagram, 124 do so in Facebookand 90 million on Twitter. Someone like him is a goldmine for any campaign of advertisement. But this one was not acceptable for Cristiano Ronaldo.


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