International Players

Georgina Rodríguez reveals her hard life story and how she met Cristiano Ronaldo

The Argentinian-born Spanish model has spoken about her relationship with the Portuguese soccer legend.

By Mauricio Saenz

17/05/2021, 10:51 PM

The Argentinian-born Spanish model has spoken about her relationship with the Portuguese soccer legend.

Cristiano Ronaldo has won lots of titles along many years of an extraordinary soccer career which seems in great form after having turned 36 years old. But he has very strong support in a very special person for him: Georgina Rodríguez. They have been together since 2016, at least in public, and they had three sons: Mateo, Alana Martina and Eva María.

But Georgina has an incredibly hard life story behind. Recently, she spoke out about it. And since they met, it was love at first sight. They knew each other in a Gucci store in Madrid. She confessed she felt incredibly attracted by Cristiano Ronaldo’s height, body and beauty. Then, her confession was that she used to be shy, but feel comfortable with him.

At the beginning, the relationship was hard for her, until it got really impossible to handle. In an interview with Italian magazine Grazia, she mentioned she starting to receive lots of phone calls and even journalists who pretended to be simple customers. Only then she moved to the back of the store and work in the cash register because everybody was “aggressively curious”.

Despite that, she always tried to be independent and make her own path, and raise her children by teaching them how to be in life. They want them to be happy but at the same time not having them in ‘a crystal box’. Both Georgina and Cristiano will push to give them the best education and building a good family. Certainly they did.



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