International Players

All America suffers: Boca Juniors wants to "steal" a player right now

The Argentine club is willing to buy one of the great players that the Mexican cast has  

By Mauricio Saenz

13/06/2021, 04:30 PM

The Argentine club is willing to buy one of the great players that the Mexican cast has  

At the end of February, Boca Juniors received very bad news: Eduardo Salvio, one of its best players and who also regularly joins Lionel Scaloni's citations in the Argentine National Team, suffered a severe injury that will keep him away from the courts due to, at less, six months. In that sense, Boca will look abroad for the replacement of Salvio. This Thursday, Xeneize requested the opening of the TMS to incorporate a footballer who plays in another country to replace Toto.

On February 28, in the match against Sarmiento, Salvio suffered a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee, which will require a recovery of at least six months. For this reason, the Ribera club has the possibility of hiring a player from the local environment, regardless of whether he has signed a roster in the current championship, because it is an exceptional case, such as Toto's serious injury .

However, everything seems to indicate that Boca is not following in the footsteps of someone from the local environment, but that he has someone from abroad: Roger Martínez. The only obstacle it has is that, since the TMS's closed, it cannot incorporate from abroad, and therefore, after the request for a quota was approved by the AFA Executive Committee, it made a formal request to FIFA to be able to have someone from abroad.

The first rumors that arose about the possibility of the Colombian Martínez a Boca is that the idea of the Football Council is to take him out on loan with a charge and a purchase option. Currently, America, the club that owns the former Racing pass, has the forward valued at five million dollars. The 26-year-old player does not have as many minutes on the court as he wishes, since the coach does not take it into account, so he would be interested in the possibility of leaving Mexican soccer and reaching Boca, where he could have more. leadership. A few days ago, Roger spoke at a conference to deny the versions that he doesn't feel comfortable in the Eagles for not playing and expressed that "his head's in America".

In case the negotiations prosper, the Football Council already has Martínez in the pipeline, so it could make a new attempt in the middle of the year, which is where most of the reinforcements would arrive, with the clear objective of facing the second part of the Copa Libertadores, if Boca passes the group stage this semester.



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