Head Coach

Premier League: what did Pep Guardiola mean to his Manchester City players?

Premier League shared a funny video with a particular reaction of Pep Guardiola during a Manchester City match, that makes it clear how Spaniards usually live each presentation of his team.  

By Alexis Almosnino

01/10/2021, 07:32 PM

Premier League shared a funny video with a particular reaction of Pep Guardiola during a Manchester City match, that makes it clear how Spaniards usually live each presentation of his team.  

The current Manchester City Technical Director is recognized for having revolutionized the style of play of FC Barcelona, the Spanish team that saw him grow. The transformation that it marked in the Catalan club appeals to the administration and direction that should impact any company, not only in the sports field.

Josep "Pep" Guardiola began his career as a footballer in the FC Barcelona youth academy, and although his achievements as a midfielder are not insignificant, his performance as technical director of the team that formed him is clearly admirable, resulting in 14 titles in just four years.

The truth is that Pep Guardiola is an eternal winner. His success was reflected in each dressing room he directed, be it the Catalan team, such as Bayern Munich or the current Manchester City. So much so, that it generates admiration in both locals and strangers, which is undoubtedly decisive, and is reflected on the playing field.

The 5 keys to leadership for Pep Guardiola

The way in which the Catalan restructured the practices of the club FC Barcelona, Bayern Munich and Manchester City, is a very valuable example for any business administrator, as it details 5 keys to explain his leadership.

- Commit to the root of the project

- Give value to discipline

- Establish a plan

- Reinvent teamwork

- Motivation to go further

Pep Guardiola: How does he experience the games from the bench?



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