
He was an idol of Real Madrid and humilliated Barcelona, now he's locked up behind bars

This player had a huge potential, but did not live up to the hype.

This player had a huge potential, but did not live up to the hype.

Another heartbreaking story of a player who knew how to be in the highest echelons of world football and today loses everything. This star played for Real Madrid, being an absolute figure and earning millions of euros; one could be in a situation like that can solve your life, but apparently nothing is guaranteed. Today we bring you the incredible story of this player who lost everything.

The Brazilian Robinho is awaiting a criminal sentence, this is because he was denounced by a woman who claims that he exceeded certain limits with her when he had drunk too much. To this, some audios were added that leaked and compromise the player a lot, leaving him between a rock and a hard place. Prison seems to be imminent.

As we said, he still does not have the official sentence, this is because the player is outside the legislative limits of Italy, the country where he committed the terrible crime. Therefore, justice is looking for a way to make him pay for his actions and send him to jail. We will see how this horrible case progresses.

Robinho's record at Madrid

During his time at Real Madrid, Robinho managed to win 2 consecutive league titles and a Spanish Super Cup with his team. He could not win the Champions League. Later, he emigrated to Milan, where he was very loved by the fans and is usually the team with which he is associated.

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