
Conmebol washes its hands with the suspension of Argentina - Brazil

The referee will send his report to the FIFA disciplinary committee, which will determine the next steps. However, more than 24 hours after the suspension, there is still no news.

By Alexis Almosnino

07/09/2021, 12:45 AM

The referee will send his report to the FIFA disciplinary committee, which will determine the next steps. However, more than 24 hours after the suspension, there is still no news.

The Argentina-Brazil superclassic was suspended by "decision of the Venezuelan referee" Jesús Valenzuela after the entry of Brazilian health agents to the field of play, Conmebol said in a tweet, adding that FIFA will be in charge of making a decision.

The referee of the match commissioner will submit a report to the FIFA Disciplinary Committee, which will determine the steps to follow, "said Conmebol. But the truth is that, more than 24 hours after what happened, there has still been no more news to clear up the doubts about what will happen, and what decision will be made regarding the match.

The meeting was suspended at minute 7 after Brazilian health agents entered the playing field of the former Corinthians Arena, in Sao Paulo, to intervene in the case of four Argentine players indicated by the Brazilian national health authority (Anvisa) to include information false in their anticovid protocol statements.




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