
They don't forget him at FC Barcelona, the emotional post from Barca for Messi's birthday and how Lionel answered

FC Barcelona sends a birthday message for Lionel Messi, who has not been at the club for three years.

By Emmanuel Mendez

Lionel Messi looks up with the Argentina jacket while the FC Barcelona badge is next to him. (Source: Messi Xtra X)
Lionel Messi looks up with the Argentina jacket while the FC Barcelona badge is next to him. (Source: Messi Xtra X)
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Today is a special day for Lionel Messi and his fans since it is his 37th birthday. The Argentine legend is celebrated by many of his fans, family, and friends today while he focuses on the Argentina national team for Copa America. His club, Inter Miami, already wished him a happy birthday, and his current teammates also sent kind messages to the Argentine icon. David Beckham posted about Messi on his Instagram, and many football fans were happy to see FC Barcelona post a kind message for Messi as well. Messi will be remembered most for his time at FC Barcelona, where he spent most of his years. FC Barcelona wished Messi a happy birthday on their social media pages, and the current Inter Miami star responded. Messi left a comment under the post that wished him a happy birthday, and he wrote, "Thank You." For many FC Barcelona fans, it was a nice little reunion to see online, even though they wish for him to come back as a player for one last time.

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Messi was in an interview with Argentine journalist Juan Pablo Varsky that was released today. The Argentine star talked about his time at FC Barcelona and said he wished to take in his time at the Catalan club, where he didn't think he would've ever left. Messi said, "I enjoyed less than I would have liked all the matches with Barcelona. Honestly, yes. At that time, I didn’t realize all of that.”

Messi played a total of 778 matches for FC Barcelona across all competitions. He scored a total of 672 goals and provided 303 assists with FC Barcelona. With Barça, Messi won four UEFA Champions Leagues, three FIFA Club World Cups, ten La Liga titles, three UEFA Super Cups, seven Copa Del Reys trophies, and eight Spanish Super Cups.

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Lionel Messi on the false 9 position

Messi recently revealed a few new details about playing as the false nine for FC Barcelona for the first time under Pep Guardiola. Messi said that Guardiola said, "I want to play with a false 9, so the central defenders won't have a reference point, and you'll be one more in the middle of the field. To win in Madrid, we need to have possession, be protagonists. If we want to win, we have to be far superior to them. I want you to come back into midfield, link up with Busi, Xavi, and Andrés. If their central defenders come out, we have Samuel and Tití who will run into space."

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