
He could be fired, these are the consecuences Ronaldo could face after an incident with a fan

The Portuguese striker had an incident in april after Manchester United's loss to Everton at Goodison park

By Fredi Roman

The Portuguese striker had an incident in april after Manchester United's loss to Everton at Goodison park
The Portuguese striker had an incident in april after Manchester United's loss to Everton at Goodison park
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Cristiano Ronaldo is once again on the eye of the storm. The portuguese was the protagonist of a very serious controversy back in april after he slapped a smartphone from a young kid's hands and exited the premises raging. He later declared that this incident was his fault and he had a hard time controlling his anger after the game. 

‘It’s never easy to deal with emotions in difficult moments like the ones we’re dealing with’ said Ronaldo after the game on his Instagram page. Later on, he allegedly called the kid's mother and stated that he wanted them to join him on a game at Old Trafford and even have them over to his house as a show of sportsmanship. 

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The young boy named Jacob Harding and his mother Sarah Kelly stated that they turned down the chance to meet Ronaldo and this led to a phone call by the Portuguese star in which he pledged for forgiveness and didn't even know the boy's name. 

Sarah Kelly stated to the press that Ronaldo was ‘one of the most arrogant men I’ve ever spoken to' and said he ‘got away with it’. Now Ronaldo has been charged with improper conduct and notified by the FA. Manchester United stated that they will ‘support the player’ in this process. 

The consequences Ronaldo will face

Cristiano Ronaldo will be charged with a fine as per the rules of the FA. The section that specifies ‘Tunnel incidents’ states that there will be a sporting sanction or suspension to be applied in addition to the fine. Ronaldo will have to pay a six thousand euros fine and, due to his situation in the club, his times at United may come to an end. 

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