International Leagues

The resounding changes in the regulations that FIFA is considering

Arsene Wenger, FIFAs Chief of Global Foobtball development, commented that they are working to become soccer more dynamic.

By Mauricio Saenz

Arsene Wenger, FIFAs Chief of Global Foobtball development, commented that they are working to become soccer more dynamic.
Arsene Wenger, FIFAs Chief of Global Foobtball development, commented that they are working to become soccer more dynamic.
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Arsen Wenger, a former Arsenal manager and current FIFA manager, said FIFA is in the process of changing some of the rules of football. Among the most important rules would be to replace the throw-in with a kick and that in the event of any fault the player can make a free kick, that is, go out playing the same.

In order to make football more dynamic, FIFA would implement the free kick after a foul. When the referee sanctions the fault, the player may catch the ball and go out playing alone, without the need to pass it to a partner. These types of plays have already been implemented in field hockey and rugby.

The other rule they are thinking about is that throw-ins can be executed with the foot instead of the hand since for Wenger it is a disadvantage for the team that has the winger. The idea of this rule by FIFA is that players do not bounce the ball off the field of play when under pressure.

The last few years at FIFA have been very changeable. The implementation of the VAR was the most important, helping soccer to be clearer and there are fewer injustices during matches. This helps the referee a lot but it takes away the dynamism of the game, since every time they consult the VAR, many minutes of the game are lost.


Mauricio Saenz

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