Salaries and Prices

Lautaro Martínez to Barcelona? Salary, cost and everything you need to know

Lautaro Martíez was key in obtaining the title for Inter Milan

By Mauricio Saenz

Lautaro Martíez was key in obtaining the title for Inter Milan
Lautaro Martíez was key in obtaining the title for Inter Milan
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The issue of Lautaro Martínez' transfer from Inter Milan to Barcelona was diluted after sounding loud at the start of the European season that just ended. However, in the last hours his representative, Alejandro Camaño, put him on the table again by confiding to the Spanish media that the negotiation that had started to renew the contract of the Argentine National Team striker with the Italian club was stopped.

"Lautaro's wink to Barcelona" is the cover title that, together with an image of the former Racing Club wearing the blue and black Inter shirt, published this Thursday in its paper edition by the Barcelona newspaper Sport.

"We are very calm, because we have to resolve the situation with Inter first, but of course Lautaro would like to play in Barcelona. Who would not? If it's one of the biggest clubs in the world," said Camaño.

"Lauti is prepared for any challenge, because he's a player who does not go unnoticed and can face any responsibility," remarked the representative of the footballer who is about to play the Copa América with his country.

How much is Lautaro Martínez worth?

In this regard, the medium Sky Sport Italia highlighted that Inter would have valued Martínez at 90 million euros, a figure lower than the one mentioned at the time that could exceed 110 million euros. Camaño, in the same interview, considered that this figure "is exaggerated. Now they offered us to extend his contract for one more year, which ends on June 30, 2023. But for the moment we answered that we are fine as we are."

Lautaro Martínez' salary

The Argentine currently receives 2.5 million euros per season and requested 7 million euros in the renewal, a figure that Inter Milan doesn't want to pay and offers 5 million euros.

A trident of the Argentine National Team in Barcelona

If Lautaro Martínez finally arrives in Barcelona, a typical offensive trilogy of the Argentine national team would be formed along with Lionel Messi and the recently hired Sergio Agüero, who could not like his signing as it could relegate him to the substitute bench.

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