By Andrés Abril
Follow the action from the Rio de la Plata Series minute by minute
Gimnasia won 1-0 with a goal from Juan De Dios Pintado Leines.
Juan Pintado puts Gimnasia 1-0 against Cerro Largo.
Alan García leaves, Maicol Piriz enters.
Pablo De Blasis was shown a red card. Gimnasia is left with 10 players on the pitch.
The referee shows a yellow card to Nicolás Bertocchi. Cerro Largo has 4 players cautioned.
The referee shows a yellow card to Nicolás Bertocchi. Cerro Largo has 3 players cautioned.
The ball went out for a corner! Cerro Largo must take the ball from the corner. The person in charge of taking it is Inti López.
Manuel Panaro leaves, Ivo Mammini enters.
Diego Mastrángelo leaves, Fabricio Corbalán enters.
Nicolas Garayalde leaves, Pablo De Blasis enters.
The ball went out for a corner! Cerro Largo must take the kick from the corner. Maximiliano Añasco is in charge of taking it.
The referee shows a yellow card to Leandro Mamut. Gimnasia has one player cautioned.
Matias Mir leaves, Bruno Hernandez enters.
The referee shows a yellow card to Facundo Bonifazi. Cerro Largo has 2 players cautioned.
The ball went out for a corner! Gimnasia will have to take the ball from the corner. Leandro Mamut is in charge of taking it.
The ball went out for a corner! Gimnasia will have to take the ball from the corner. Leandro Mamut is in charge of taking it.
Martin Fernandez leaves, Facundo Di Biasi enters.
Norberto Briasco leaves, Franco Torres enters.
The ball went out for a corner! Cerro Largo must take the kick from the corner. Maximiliano Añasco is in charge of taking it.
The ball went out for a corner! Cerro Largo must take the kick from the corner. Maximiliano Añasco is in charge of taking it.
Jeremiah Perez Tica leaves, Inti Lopez enters.
Julian Contrera leaves, Maximiliano Añasco enters.
The referee shows a yellow card to Mauro Alfonso. Cerro Largo has a player cautioned.
The ball went out for a corner! Cerro Largo must take the ball from the corner. Nicolás Bertocchi is in charge of taking it.
The ball went out for a corner! Gimnasia will have to take the ball from the corner. Leandro Mamut is in charge of taking it.
The ball went out for a corner! Gimnasia will have to take the ball from the corner. Leandro Mamut is in charge of taking it.
The ball went out for a corner! Gimnasia will have to take the ball from the corner. Nicolás Garayalde is in charge of taking it.
Nelson Insfran leaves, Luis Ingolotti enters.
Lucas Castro leaves, Leandro Mamut enters.
Gimnasia and Cerro Largo draw 0-0.
The ball went out for a corner! Gimnasia will have to take the ball from the corner. Manuel Panaro is in charge of taking it.
The ball went out for a corner! Cerro Largo must take the ball from the corner. The player in charge of taking it is Julián Contrera.
They are already playing at the Luis Franzini stadium for the friendly match of the Argentine Summer Tournaments.