
Diego Maradona's fans will be able to worship him in Aztec land: the first Maradona church in Mexico

The space destined to pay tribute to the Argentine soccer player is established in Cholula, Puebla, where fans can come to worship Diego Armando Maradona.

By Juan Angel Aiesi

The space destined to pay tribute to the Argentine soccer player is established in Cholula, Puebla, where fans can come to worship Diego Armando Maradona.
The space destined to pay tribute to the Argentine soccer player is established in Cholula, Puebla, where fans can come to worship Diego Armando Maradona.
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The first church to worship the historic Argentine soccer player, Diego Armando Maradona, has arrived in Mexico. In the municipality of San Andres Cholula, Puebla, the second place in the world to worship the soccer player was installed.




In 1998, a church of this type was created in Rosario, Argentina. The Mexican Maradonian Church is located a few streets away from the Sanctuary of the Virgen de los Remedios, a Catholic temple located at the top of the Great Pyramid of Cholula, which began its construction in 1594.



Upon entering the place a soccer dimension is present, where the path to the altar is made of synthetic grass, accompanied by ball-shaped mats. On each of the sides are located the chairs for the parishioners, which are decorated with jerseys of different teams.



The Argentine businessman Marcelo Salvador Buchet, based in San Andrés Cholula, was in charge of creating and opening the Maradoneana Church of Mexico. During the opening week, its creator mentioned that more Mexicans than foreigners have come to the facilities to take a souvenir photo, considering them a tourist attraction.



On the other hand, he specified that said church is not against any religion and assured that soccer fans can go there with a priest to have weddings, baptisms or first communions, since it is an open space like any chapel on the beach or party room, where no one is disrespected and they can carry out their social events.



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