By Juan Macías
There has been some concerns about the crime that has affected the Premier League stars in the past few months as they are looking to change this situation right away.
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The last Premier League player that had a problem with the criminals from the UK was Jack Grealish, now that it has been confirmed that his house was robbed as his family was watcihing the Manchester City game downstairs and he was playing, and while it was only the material things that they took, the fact is that there is a new concern in the past few hours as well.
Now it has been confirmed by the Police that there is a Premier League star that has had his house raided as the house was now a cannabis farm, and while it seems that the player is going to be able to prove that he is innocent, the concern is that it was a criminal gang that threaten him into making the house a farm for drugs the last months.
The name of the Premier League player is yet to be known now that it has also been confirmed that they are looking to protect his identity right now to avoid getting him into trouble with the criminal gang, but there are some hints that point to a player that belongs either to Man City, Man United or even Liverpool now.
The reason for this teams to be pointed is the fact that the house was located in the Northwest of the UK, and most of the sources have confirmed that most of the luxury houses in this areas belong to players from this teams now that they are really close to their teams and now it seems that the player could also be separated from the team as well.
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As this is a current police investigation there is liitle to no information, but the fact is that the Premier League office and the players themselves are really concerned about this situation and the crime that has hitted them in the past few months with this new situation.