Reaching Europe is the dream of any professional footballer, which takes place on any other continent in the world. The salaries, the enormous sums that a pass to another team is worth, the competitiveness and the possibility of growth, are unmatched in the rest of the planet.
Now, although the main objective is to get to the football of the old continent, not everyone manages to succeed, or at least stay current in time. In a coffee chat, we would repeatedly hear the phrase "Europe is not for everyone". Now what kind of Europe are you targeting? Of course, it is not the same to play in the football of Serbia or Hungary, than in the English Premier League.
Raúl Jiménez did it. In fact, he left very young, and carrying a suitcase full of clothes and illusions, he disembarked in Spain. How would it go? It would be a matter of time, but he knew that in Mexico they would wait for him back with open arms. Since then, 7 years have passed, and 3 clubs. Atlético de Madrid, Benfica and the current Wolverhampton. That is, with 30 years of age, and about 200 games played on the other side of the ocean, we could say that his career has been a success so far.
Thats why, from United States, and under the intention that has already become a constant, to strengthen the league with elite players, many of the teams could put the chip on the footballer who plays in Wolverhampton, for what he represents as a footballer, for the closeness that This generates with the people of Mexico, and the latent possibility that the player will emigrate to a minor league, but still turn out to be competitive and attractive to the pocket.
As for what transpired, his salary is totally achievable for a club like Inter Miami. In fact, it is strange that it is so low, considering the demands we are used to see in the Premier League. However, it could not only equal the value that they pay in England, but even exceed it, since 3 million dollars per season, does not turn out to be anything crazy, taking into account the player we are referring to.